Dine at Lambert’s Cove Inn

Lambert’s Cove Inn has re-opened its restaurant for the year, and it is a great spot to enjoy a wonderful meal during the waning days of the quiet season. With 4 fire places going and the sounds of Edith Piaf’s sultry French voice whispering in your ear, it is the perfect place to kick back and savor an evening.

Martha's Vineayrd Dining
Lambert’s Cove Inn restaurant dining room

Don’t miss out on the restaurant’s Thursday night oyster extravaganza with 10 different types of oysters from hot to cold. Fridays you can enjoy a 3-course meal for $30. On Saturday nights, the inn offers dinner and musical performance. Dine to some the most talented artists on the Island — no cover, no minimum to buy — just the promise you’ll have fun!

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